In a recent post, I wrote about a clear indicator of weaponized smallpox on the horizon.
I wrote about this threat, mainly because it was the most recent signal of a step in their game plan to depopulate. And the most insidious.
Depopulate you say?
“You gotta be kidding right. I’m about to unsub and I just joined!”
Hold up before you do that, and let me explain something that you might not know.
P in the equation that Bill Gates himself demonstrated live, and on stage, is you.
P = people.
Come with me now as we unpack what this equation means to the world population.
Don’t let your cognitive dissonance kick in. Fight it. Reject the narrative and come into the light.
Buckle up here we go…
From a posting in April 2020, RFK Jr. brought to our attention the evil agenda laid out in front of us. We were blind sided, don’t feel bad you didn’t know.
“Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda: RFK Jr. Calls for an Investigation”
Gates laid this out in a Ted Talk video back 2010…
”The world today has 6.8B people, that’s headed up to about 9B. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services we could lower that by perhaps 10-15%.”
The entire video can be watched on my new Rumble channel here, that I will be using from now on to post videos relevant to these articles, and other current events.
“So what’s Marburg got to do with it?” he said in his best Tina Turner voice.
A little known engineer from Ireland broke a video that explained it in detail.
Now, as I do with all content I see or that is sent to me, I questioned all of it.
Funny thing happened on the way to discrediting the guy in the video: I couldn’t do it.
So here’s that video and I encourage you to stop, watch it now, then return here to continue forward.
Now, again, it seems insane what Mr. Morrissey is talking about some months before the WHO made the announcement in the video below…
But then you find this video here, from the WHO director talking exactly about this coming scare. And it becomes clear he was telling the truth.
What’s so interesting about that guy?
Dig him up, and you find he’s being held accountable in India for crimes against humanity. And let’s not forget our good friend Mr. Gates. You see he’s been busy perfection bioweapons, and their solutions, for decades. Hidden by the MSM.
So in case it wasn't clear yet, these people are up to no good and have been doing it for a long time in countries outside the US.
Come with me just a bit further down this rabbit hole, because there’s more to the story to give it full context.
Lew Rockwell posts a very detailed, source checked and clearly disturbing break down of the solution to Marburg, the RiVax Final Solution. And this is dark.
I warn you, this will shock the conscience and cause a few of you to reject the possibility of what is written here.
Pray first if you need to, then read it. Understand the plan, and then act accordingly in your mind, house and your heart.
Read the article now, then return here to continue.
Welcome back.
Pretty darn evil right?
Now you know. Now you must prepare.
Heart, mind, soul and worldly preperations need to be made.
You cannot sit this one out.
I offer no predictions, no timelines and no ‘deadlines’ of predictions etc. That would be unwise and cause undue fear.
The truth is, there are those in the world who are fighting this to the top levels of our government and world powers.
And I pray for their safety everyday. We pray they are successful.
But they cannot do it alone. And we must be ready to fight with them.
We are in a war unlike anything our fathers, grandfathers and their fathers fought.
The battle lines are your health, your kids health, your security and your freedoms.
And they are doing it all under the guise of "it’s for your Health”.
As I wrote in the other post about weaponized smallpox, it’s clear they have a multi staged agenda that is being fully executed right now on the world population.
The truth is being hidden by the complicit bought and paid for MSM, social media disinformation jockeys, and the controlled opposition all around us. Even Fox.
They are dangerous, and they are spreading to family and friends. Many who as you probably know first hand, are turning away from us. Even turning us in to authorities.
That did not go well in history. And it will ultimately backfire on all those involved.
So as always, let me leave you with the one true hope for the ultimate solution to all of the worlds problems: Yahshua.
No not Jesus. That name is a translation of Joshua. Another trick of the devil to basically get mainstream folks to workshop the wrong person.
Imagine for a moment, there’s someone in your life who continually calls you by the wrong name.
Is that powerful? No.
Is it annoying? Yes.
Was that a rant? Yes.
But purposeful nonetheless :)
Does it affect your eternity? Potentially.
I Never Knew You
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
So let’s remember, the savior is Yahweh, His Son is Yahshua and eternity with Him saves us from all the suffering and pain of this world.
Is it time you dig into that rabbit hole? Yes :)
Remember, as we dig into the dark, we must always remember the light and the hope of salvation.
Ephesians 6:18
Pray in the Spirit at all times, with every kind of prayer and petition. To this end, stay alert with all perseverance in your prayers for all the saints
Pass this article on to your friends and family who will listen. Come together and make plans. Satan is prowling like a lion to devour the weak of mind and heart. Do not be deceived.
“Be strong, and let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people and for the cities of our God; and may the LORD do what is good in His sight.”