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The plan...

Utopia 2020 laid it out right in front of us...

Hey folks,

if you were asleep in 2001 you would have never saw the 9/11 agenda as we see it now.

A world changing event.

You would have missed the shows like the Simpsons, news, media and movies telling you 9/11 was going to happen, who did it, and why.

If that’s a rabbit hole you haven’t gone down yet, now is the time. Once you look backwards from 9/11 you will see it was laid out in front of us the whole time. (HINT: The Matrix 1999)

If you’re awake now, and you’re still on this list because of it…you now see things you know are not only true…but things that are coming that you wish were not true.

I know I do, everyday.

That does not change the facts, regardless of how I feel.

Like it or not, they let loose a virus. We know that now. And no, it wasn’t freakin bats. It was strategic.

We also know, it’s not deadly. Surprise!

The cure is, stay away from that shite!

Now, some folks did die. Yes. Of course. Those with compromised immune systems, those who would die from the yearly flu, etc. Yes, terrible.

However, it was no where near a ‘pandemic’ level event. The unfortunate deaths of the elderly in NYC nursing homes were used to push the propaganda machine to make sure more people in the world volunteer their arms.

Blindly, they lined up out of fear, and now push their kids in front of this train wreck.

But the virus is doing something else.

And in this video, this propaganda piece, it shows you exactly

  • how they deceived us

  • what they did

  • why they did it

  • why they told us they did it

  • and what happens next…


Choose to believe it or not. It’s not important at this point.

Remember what I wrote about back in 2021?

Click here to read it if you missed it. Marburg. AKA Monkey Pox.

TheWokeAmerican’s Newsletter
Marburg: Real or Narrative?
In a recent post, I wrote about a clear indicator of weaponized smallpox on the horizon. I wrote about this threat, mainly because it was the most recent signal of a step in their game plan to depopulate. And the most insidious. Depopulate you say? “You gotta be kidding right. I’m about to unsub and I just joined…
Read more

It’s done. It happened. It’s happening.

68.8% of the global population Received at least one dose. More than 5.28 billion people worldwide have received a dose -


5.28B people across the world…

Over a year into the biggest vaccination campaign in history, more than 12.2 billion doses have been administered across 184 countries, according to data collected by Bloomberg. The latest rate was roughly 11.8 million doses a day. In the US, 599 million doses have been given so far. During the last week, shots were administered at an average rate of 96,733 doses a day. World Map of Vaccinations More than 12.2 billion doses have been administered—156 shots for every 100 people worldwide


At least 223 million people have been fully vaccinated in the U.S. This includes more than 107.5 million people who have received a booster shot.


223 million US citizens took shot 1…

Am I worried?

You bet.

Am I living in fear?

Absolutely not.

365 reasons why. 365 “Do not fear” statements in the Bible.

The truth is harder to believe than a lie.

Will live on my knees and die in fear?

Hell no.

Should you?

Great question. Do you feel prepared? Are you ready if the lights go out? Food shortages that reduce your ability to get food?

That’s up to you to get prepared.

There’s a reckoning coming. God is on our side. Evil will pay for this wicked deed, I am 100% convinced of that.

Hug your family. Prepare your hearts. Prepare your house. Build your community. Stay alert.

Stay frosty.


TheWokeAmerican’s Newsletter
TheWokeAmerican’s Newsletter